Ta-Da! Here's the Cover

Look-ey here, it’s the actual cover for the novel! I know, I know, this is not how my blog posts usually work. Sorry about that, but I can’t help myself. First, naturally, I’m super excited to finally see the cover. It somehow makes the book more real for me. Yes, I’ve been living with the words in it, the writing, revision after revision after revision, and the characters (lawd, the characters and the space they occupied in my head) for almost a decade now, but this cover makes it a thing, gives it a corporeal existence, a manifestation in the brick and mortar world.

Next, I’m thrilled because the cover says everything about the book I hoped it would. I think it’s perfect. I hope y’all—and by “y’all” I mean you and anyone else who reads the book—think so, as well. It’s a little mysterious, kinda intriguing, it doesn’t give away too much, and…and…the colors are almost a perfect match with John Deere Green & Yellow (calm down lawyers, I said “almost”). As we say down on the farm: it don’t get no better than that.

And finally, I’m in awe, and I’m thankful. I’m in awe because I’m a scribbler. I doodled when I’m sitting at my desk trying to work out character problems or plot lines. I put pencil on paper when I’m avoiding grading papers. I love to color adult coloring books (get your mind out of the gutter—I mean the kind with mandalas and stuff, not the other kind of adult). I never let an opportunity to draw elaborate pictures on the classroom whiteboard, explaining some intricate points for my students. And while they love my art (they must, they all laugh and snicker and grab their phones), I’ll admit that I’m not very good at it. People who can draw have always amazed me. Me? I can’t draw water from a well. I want to; I try to, but…well…let’s just say I’m in awe of those who can and leave it at that.

Which brings me to the thankful part. The team my publisher, SFK Press, has put together has been amazing on all counts. This whole process is new to me and I wasn’t sure what to expect, especially when it came to the cover design. They started me with an extensive questionnaire asking me about the book and my “artistic” interests in general. Then they sent me a couple of options to consider and allowed me to offer some input. Then, presto-magico, I got this cover! The skull was designed by TDubov, and the skull and sunflower composition, layout, and design were all done by Olivia Croom Hammerman.

Sigh. This book, this whole “novelist” notion I’ve been nurturing for most of my life, is now one step closer to being an actual thing. I’m equal parts excited and terrified. So…yeah. Not my usual blog post, I know. I appreciate y’all letting me share the experience with you. Oh, by the way…pre-orders start first week of March. Click the link below and sign up for the mailing list and you’ll know the minute you can order!

And remember, y’all be kind out there.

Sunflower Dog, releases April 7th, 2020. Sign up for my newsletter to get monthly updates about the book, appearances, and merch opportunities. It’s easy, just click here.

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